Always nice to read your words John, thank you for sharing them.

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Dec 16
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Thank you for sharing your thoughts here. I appreciate your insights.

There is tremendous complexity within the earthen megalithic structures - and variability - and I didn't intend to encapsulate all that is by what I've written here, nor could I do so.

Yes, there is spiraling throughout and it is all enclosed by the circle of stones - and this, I believe, is symbolic of the primary energy that was worked with in these structures.

I was pointing out one feature that people may be unaware of.

To say that it is not a cross, is simply not true. I think it is a very complex subject to explore which some of our collectively inherited beliefs may interfere with our discernment.

Yes, very complex indeed. I have a lot of thoughts that would take many, many articles to flesh out.

I don't know of any definitive answers, yet the triskele does seem to be representative of the primary energy of the Earth.

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