Bioregional Herbalism, Vitalism, Ancestral Knowledge
Bioregional Herbalism, Vitalism, & Ancestral Healing Podcast
In the Field with Oshá

In the Field with Oshá

A recording from the 2015 Bioregional Herbalist Apprenticeship with Ligusticum porteri, one of the most revered wild plants of the American Southwest

In lieu of a new post again this week, I’m sharing a recording from 2015, in the field with my apprentices.

Here we are sitting with Ligusticum porteri, aka oshá, bear root, chuchupate, one of the most revered plants of the Southwest for centuries.

I’ve been unable to make my weekly posts the past two weeks as I’ve been out trimming apple trees, gathering feral apples with my daughter, immersing myself in the autumn weather amongst my current apprentices in the shaded canyons of central Arizona, or otherwise taking care of my business.

As I’ve also been preparing for the launch of my 2023 Bioregional Herbalist Apprenticeship, I’ll be sharing more in the weeks to come on what this is all about.

Now back to serving Prickly Pear drinks at our annual main event at the Desert Forager booth…

Bioregional Herbalism, Vitalism, Ancestral Knowledge
Bioregional Herbalism, Vitalism, & Ancestral Healing Podcast
Developing relationships with wild plants and wild places. Exploring the principles of Vitalism and the presence of the elements within us and all around us. Exploring relationship with our ancestral heritage while moving forward as co-creators in the world around us.
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Appears in episode
John J Slattery