This is wonderfully articulate post to actually get to the root of everything without being a reductionist. Our educational system will squeeze out any intuitive knowledge that might be left in a 20 something student particularly if young people are told university is the only way to make your life prosperous. Every part of this resonates as true. I sometimes wonder if there is room for the basic component of germ theory as a byproduct of everything you post about here? Could a germ whether commensal or pathogenic be a communication device just like we are? Either way, there is no ranking virologist that would be willing to see it that way. Awesome post

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Thank you, Traci. Bacteria (I don't like using the now conventional use of the word germ because I believe it's been co-opted and corrupted - it's root meaning is meant to convey creative potential) are most definitely messengers, at least to other bacteria (eg. horizontal gene transfer). However, there's no definitive proof that they are the carriers of disease. I feel the same concept applies to our macro-ecology in that pine bark beetles are not causing pine trees to die, but are instead feeding on dead and dying tissue: the cause is something much greater and comprehensive than a tiny beetle. This phenomenon, I feel, is one of the greatest corruptions of human thought and potential - to cause us to believe in an illogical premise (through technological magic) that such small, even invisible, organisms, or even detritus, are solely responsible for causing disease and destruction. When we look with open eyes at the story behind virology, for example, it clarifies to us that there is no truth, only misconceptions, or in fact fraud.

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Thank you for the clarity of expressions. There are many lenses to view experiences in our lives. Having gone through emergency appendectomy and then a many month journey with Clostridium Difficile , initially through an allopathic view and subject to more treatments with antibiotics to "kill" the c.diff, which cracked my entire being beyond my Physical Earth, I began to metabolize and unlock and/or release the conditioning of "what is illness" within every layer of physical, emotional and spiritual experience in my body. I began to carry the understanding of what Dr. Cowan has been speaking about for the last many years of virus theory. And the idea of that the c.diff was there to help clean, clear the toxicity of the colon , intestines , similar to the pine beetles in relation to the Pine trees. As a continuing learning in the awe and wonder of this human experience and leaving the door open to the question "what is healing?", I have deepened my relations to our Earth , from inside my vessel to my small place on Earth and inside the Cosmos. May we continue to explore curiosity of Nature and honor the questioning of what we think we know. All Blessings

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Thank you for sharing some of your story, Jacqueline. It takes courage to accept our responsibility in our own healing and well-being. I commend you.

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Wow ~ the principles that this embodies. I did appreciate the audio recording!

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